Halloween Night 2006 (First viewing)

Posted: April 21, 2012 in Movies I'm Watching
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In this gory chiller based on real events, a teen’s Halloween bash is spoiled — but becomes eerily authentic — when lunatic Chris Vale escapes from an asylum and returns to his childhood home, which happens to be party central.

I have to say, when I started this film I didn’t have high expectations for it, other than the fact that the description from Netflix (which is quoted above) sound cool. However, I didn’t realize what a surprise I was in for with this one! It’s fantastic!! This is a damn fine slasher flick! Below is a pros and cons list of Halloween Night.


  • Gore, and more gore
  • Fantastic kill scenes
  • Story of the killer was well done
  • Lots of boobies! (Yes, I’m still immature)


  • The actors tried way too hard to be college kids. They could have done better. (Not to say that I could)

Overall, I would highly recommend this to a horror/slasher flick fan. I’ll probably be watching this again fairly soon, and that doesn’t happen often. So, let me know what you think when you watch!

I’m also willing to take suggestions on what to watch next! So, throw them at me if you’d like!

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